
Why Clients Need to Verify ACC Information Before July

Ensuring the accuracy of ACC information for ACC WorkPlace Cover and WorkPlace Cover for Businesses and Shareholders is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it helps prevent billing errors that could lead to discrepancies in financial records. By verifying the accuracy of their ACC details, clients can avoid potential misunderstandings or disputes regarding invoicing and payments. Secondly, accurate ACC information is vital ...

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Tax Talk Newsletter Autumn 2024

Reducing Spending by Identifying ‘Leakage’ With the darkening clouds on the horizon for business, discussion arises on unnecessary expenses – ‘Leakage’. This affects the farming sector with the sudden drops in the 2023/2024 dairy payout, where there has been a lot of discussion on what farmers can do to reduce their costs and avoid having to increase their overdraft limit. If we can ...

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Tax Talk Newsletter Summer 2024

  First steps for tax and income relief announced Finance Minister Nicola Willis on 20th December announced time-critical tax and benefit changes together with a commitment to delivering further income tax relief in Budget 2024. “The coalition Government is progressing a number of commitments to address the growing cost of living, deliver income tax relief and reduce the tax burden.  We know Kiwis ...

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