

Why Clients Need to Verify ACC Information Before July

Ensuring the accuracy of ACC information for ACC WorkPlace Cover and WorkPlace Cover for Businesses and Shareholders is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it helps prevent billing errors that could lead to discrepancies in financial records. By verifying the accuracy of their ACC details, clients can avoid potential misunderstandings or disputes regarding invoicing and payments.

Secondly, accurate ACC information is vital for maintaining a smooth and efficient financial process. When clients take the time to review and confirm their ACC details, they contribute to the overall integrity of the invoicing system, ensuring that transactions are processed correctly and in a timely manner.

Moreover, verifying ACC information before invoicing by ACC start in July allows clients to address any discrepancies or outdated information proactively. By identifying and rectifying errors early on, clients can prevent potential errors in invoicing processing and maintain a positive business relationship with their service providers.

What information do you need to check?
• Classification Unit (CU) - this affects the levy clients will pay, so it’s important this is correct
• Trading status - if you are no longer trading, you need to let us know.

If you have questions about your  ACC WorkPlace Cover policy or would like to talk to a member of the team, please get in touch at